Part Time Jobs & Remote Work

The World is shifting to on-demand and remote work, and India is no exception.  The work life balance of remote work makes it appealing because of decreased time commuting to and from the office.  Part time work options coupled with new remote working opportunities can mean reclaiming some of your day.  As many as 57% of Indians telecommute regularly, and one third work from home every day.  Here are some great part time and remote opportunities currently available.

Customer Service

From Amazon to Citi and large corporations, banks, and multinationals in-between, there is no shortage of part time and remote work that can be performed in India.  Whether it is responding to chat requests or speaking on the phone, someone with good language skills, particularly in English, will find this to be a remunerative line of work if you have little experience.  Many positions offer the potential to work at night to serve the United States market during the day.  People can also be hired with as little as zero years of experience.  Online tools suggest people can earn as much as 3 lakh per year as a CSR in India; some companies may even pay as high as 4 lakh annually.


Given the large number of languages spoken in India, there is great demand for translation.  From the educational sector to large multinational corporations, many firms operating in India need help taking content from one language and turning it into another.  Translation in particular is good for people who want to freelance or work on a per-document basis, making it an attractive part time or remote work option.  Per document pricing is common, and people could earn 1 lakh or more per month.


Analyst work may require a full or partial degree or program, but due to the data-centric nature of the work, it is often easy to be a partial or completely remote position.  Some positions may not require any formal education at all, or allow you to do on-the-job training.  Some analysts can earn handsome salaries as averaging 7 lakh annually, with 12 lakh on the high end.  You may make heavy use of Microsoft Excel, or basic computer languages such as SQL, to the end of analyzing data to help companies make better decisions.  Entry level positions will set you up for a good career, so don’t be afraid to accept a lower salary in order to build up your qualifications.

Online Marketing

The world of SEO, SEM, Facebook and Tiktok Ads continues to rapidly expand into India.  With positions ranging from zero years experience necessary to seasoned professionals with five years of experience or more, internet marketing offers ample room for advancement, with a set of skills that can be easily transferred abroad as well.  Some jobs might offer salaries in the 10-15 lakh a year range, for people who accrue skills from entry level positions and stick with it for three to five years.  You will write ads, assess keywords or targeting methods, and refine funnels to ensure top return-on-investment for your firm.

In Conclusion

There are many exciting options to work remote or part-time right now, especially with the global labor market tightening.  If you’re looking for flexibility, great pay, and reliable benefits in your work, we hope you’ve been able to find something inspiring herein. Make sure to search around to find the best opportunities available to you at present.